
Going Visiting works by using the imagination and research skills to 'visit' lots of different standpoints and consider perspectives on a matter from those points. A standpoint is "a position from which objects or principles are viewed and according to which they are compared and judged" (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

By 'visiting' lots of standpoints and 'inviting' them in our mind, we can use our imagination to compare and contrast, and weave ideas they give us and invent new new things. This is an essence of creative thinking.

Through this process, we can gain fresh perspectives and a deeper understanding of issues or matters. We can consider what is fair/harmful, good/bad, better/worse from multiple perspectives.  In this way, the three thinking actions of visiting, inviting and inventing, collectively called 'Going Visiting', helps students achieve an Encompassing Ethic, an ethical, critical and creative mindset.

This booklet introduces you to these thinking actions and links them to the Ethical, Critical and Creative Thinking cross-curricula capabilities of the Victorian curriculum.